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    Those involved in the field of intellectual property and high-tech are familiar with its singular and complex character, its unique legal issues and the far-reaching consequences that accompany them (lengthy proceedings risk undermining technological development, commercial activity and reputation).

    The exorbitant costs, prolongation of the proceeding and uncertainty regarding which bench shall decide the dispute involved in petitioning a court of law, emphasize the recognized importance of an effective, swift and professional resolution of the dispute and a good understanding of the issues which it raises.

    The Center of Arbitration has an intellectual property and high-tech department staffed by retired judges and professionals whose understanding of and expertise in the subject provides the parties to the mediation or arbitration proceeding with substantial benefits, including:

    • The appointment of a mediator/arbitrator who is well acquainted with both intellectual property law and the financial considerations which affect how the dispute can best be resolved.
    • Recourse, when necessary, to an expert in the area of technology which the dispute is predicated on.
    • Privacy of the proceeding and confidentiality, especially with regard to trade secrets.
    • Utilizing a fast and effective mediation proceeding is clearly advantageous when negotiating royalties.
    • Dépeçage in a dispute involving international elements – The Center’s collaborations with leading arbitration institutions in Switzerland and the United States allow the parties to benefit from a diverse team of arbitrators and mediators around the world.
    • Optimization and flexibility in the procedure (mainly regarding discovery and inspection proceedings which tend to become extremely complex in patent and trade secret cases).